23th – 24th September 2024, Mojmírovce, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Venue: Kaštieľ Mojmírovce, Slovak Republic.
Organizer: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic
Dobrovičova 12, 812 66 Bratislava.
Dobrovičova 12, 812 66 Bratislava.
The CEUREG Forum is a technical conference for plant protection products regulation experts from Central and Eastern European countries and provides an opportunity to share information and experience between regulatory agencies in charge of authorisation, management and control of such products. In the last years it also gives information about products that are not classified as plant protection products but in general are used in plants protection (e.g. bioagens).
The most important objectives of the CEUREG Forum activities are solving the problems related to the authorisation process under current EU legislation including emergency authorisations, reduction of the risk of pesticides use and implementation of IPM principles, misuse of the parallel trade, internet sale and illegal trade, application of pesticides in/near residential areas, application equipment, new application techniques and the precise agriculture.
The annual meetings of the CEUREG Forum are good platform for the discussion on the current important topics with experts from CEUREG Forum countries, other EU member states, EU candidates, potential candidates countries and third countries, industry of plant protection (e.g. CropLife Europe and national crop protection associations), European Commission, Minor Uses Coordination Facility and also from other international organizations (e.g. OECD).
Over the past twenty three years the Forum has been organised by experts from Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Budapest in a close cooperation with the colleagues from the Plant Protection Products Section of the State Phytosanitary Administration of the Czech Republic from Brno and the Polish Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute from Poznan.
On CEUREG Forum XI was agreed the rotational principle for Forum organization, being applied first in 2009, when CEUREG Forum XIII was organized by the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań.
This is the third time the CEUREG Forum is held in the Slovakia and organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic.
The most important objectives of the CEUREG Forum activities are solving the problems related to the authorisation process under current EU legislation including emergency authorisations, reduction of the risk of pesticides use and implementation of IPM principles, misuse of the parallel trade, internet sale and illegal trade, application of pesticides in/near residential areas, application equipment, new application techniques and the precise agriculture.
The annual meetings of the CEUREG Forum are good platform for the discussion on the current important topics with experts from CEUREG Forum countries, other EU member states, EU candidates, potential candidates countries and third countries, industry of plant protection (e.g. CropLife Europe and national crop protection associations), European Commission, Minor Uses Coordination Facility and also from other international organizations (e.g. OECD).
Over the past twenty three years the Forum has been organised by experts from Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Budapest in a close cooperation with the colleagues from the Plant Protection Products Section of the State Phytosanitary Administration of the Czech Republic from Brno and the Polish Institute of Plant Protection - National Research Institute from Poznan.
On CEUREG Forum XI was agreed the rotational principle for Forum organization, being applied first in 2009, when CEUREG Forum XIII was organized by the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań.
This is the third time the CEUREG Forum is held in the Slovakia and organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic.
The most important objective of the Forum activities is to improve the availability of adequate plant protection and to help reduce the risk of pesticide use.
Based on this
- to initiate common approach to different issues related to pesticide registration, pesticide management and control
- to promote international cooperation
- to share information

- Presentations17.11.2024
- CEUREG FORUM XXIV – updated agenda20.09.2024
- Travelling details3.09.2024