Final documents

Final Document
5 – 6 November 2015
The nineteenth meeting of the CEUREG Forum was organised in Zagreb, Croatia.
CEUREG Forum XIX. participants: Austria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom, ECPA.
The CEUREG Forum XIX. meeting took place according to the Agenda (see enclosed). Participating countries from the CEUREG region, other participating EU member states representatives, industry and other participating representatives, discussed current issues related to the PPPs authorisation system under the scope of the Regulation 1107/2009/EC, current issues and requirements related to the Directive 2009/128/EC, issues related to the PPPs control and stage of progress of the draft regulation on official controls.
Other topics discussed included:
- comparative assessment of PPPs containing candidates for substitution
- new legal aspects of PPPs parallel trade
- training for safe handling and use of PPPs
- results of current PPPs official controls system in different cases
- authorisation of PPPs in non-EU countries
Participants from regulatory bodies of the CEUREG region countries agreed on the following conclusions and recommendations:
- EU Member States individual capacity should be appropriate to the requirements and shorter timelines established by the Regulation 1107/2009/EC. Some EU Member States from CEUREG region still have capacity problems.
- EU MS authorities should further build up transparency of processes, data requirements and criteria within the authorisation process as to the comparative assessment of PPPs containing candidates for substitution.
- CEUREG region countries support the activities in the field of training for safe handling and use of PPPs, e.g. Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF).
- CEUREG region countries appreciate the last developments and progress as to the draft of the regulation on the official controls, especially the fact, that the control of pesticides application equipment will further remain under the scope of the Directive 2009/128/EC.
Documents and presentations from the CEUREG Forum XIX. and previous CEUREG Forum meetings are available on the CEUREG Forum web page
Topics proposed for the next CEUREG Forum meeting include: current issues as a thought starter for a possible future amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, official controls regulation follow up – implementing regulation on the control of PPPs placed on the market, any activities taking place between the CEUREG Forums.
Mr. Josef Svaricek introduced Brno, Czech Republic, as the venue of the next CEUREG Forum in mid of October 2016.
Adopted in Zagreb, 6 November 2015.
Final documents from CEUREG Forums
CEUREG FORUM XIX – Final Document
CEUREG FORUM XVIII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XVII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XVI – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XV – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XIV – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XIII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XII – Final document
CEUREG FORUM XI – Final document