Practical information


Ceureg Forum XVIII will be held in Congress Center Hotel IOR, Poznań, Poland.
Meeting will start on the 16th October 2014 in the morning. For this reason the proposed arrival is on the 15th October 2014 in the evening.


As to the limited available capacity in the Congress Center Hotel IOR in Poznań – for the participants from national authorities and invited speakers there was arranged accommodation in the Congress Center Hotel IOR and additionally in the Hotel Gromada (450m from the Congress Center Hotel IOR).

Special prices for conference participants are:

  • Congress Center Hotel IOR, ul. Władysława Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland,
    single room: 160 PLN
    double room: 210 PLN
  • Hotel Gromada, ul. Babimojska 7, 60-161 Poznań, Poland,
    single room: 180 PLN
    double room: 200 PLN

Other participants are invited to note on the registration form their wish about using Hotel IOR and Hotel Gromada or are asked to arrange their accommodation in hotels in Poznań individually.

Please note:

  • travelling and accommodation expenses are not covered by the organizer
  • hotel booking in Hotel IOR and Hotel Gromada will be arranged by the organizer, based on your registration form


For pesticides industry representatives and other participants the Forum fee is 400 PLN.

There is no Forum fee for the participants from national registration authorities and invited speakers.

Forum fee 400 PLN/person have to be transferred until the end of September to bank account of the Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute:
BGŻ S.A. O/Poznań PL63 2030 0045 1110 0000 0042 1600

On the money transfer please write: Ceureg Forum and your name.
During the Forum will be served (free of charge):

  • two lunches (on the 16th and 17th October 2014)
  • one dinner (on the 16th October 2014)
  • four coffee breaks refreshments


We would appreciate to get your intention for participation till the 1st August 2014.
Please send us the attached registration form as soon as you decided to attend the CEUREG Forum XVIII meeting but not later than the 1st September 2014 to the following e-mail addresses: and
Registration form (see the attachement):
doc Form Registration of Delegates to the CF18
doc Form Nomination of Delegates to the CF18
doc Form Delegates Data for Visa CF18
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write to the following addresses:,,