


Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committee, it is a great honor to inform you that the traditional CEUREG FORUM meeting of experts will be held on 15-16 October 2009 in Poznan, Poland. The meeting is a technical conference and following twelve years of the Forum being organized in Budapest, this is the first time it will be held in Poland.

CEUREG FORUM provides an opportunity to exchange information and experiences between agencies in charge of placing pesticides on the market in the Central and Eastern European Countries.

Major topics of CEUREG FORUM XIII include:

1) New EU pesticides regulations – state of art.
2) Efficacy studies of plant protection products – GEP rules
- mutual recognition
- zonal system
3) Pesticide usage and sale statistics.
4) Other international developments
- Global Harmonization System
- Control of parallel import
- Regional pesticide projects
5) Countries presentations on main topics.

CEUREG FORUM XIII will be held at the Congress Center of Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute in Poznan. The Forum is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It has been a tradition for the Forum to have three parts. The first part includes lectures by the invited specialists, the second one consists of presentations on major topics of the Forum by individual countries and the third one is a discussion and sharing of country-specific experiences.

The Organizing and Program Committee would like to kindly invite delegates from your country to participate in the CEUREG FORUM XIII. Organizational details will be forwarded in later correspondence.

We would appreciate your quick response with a list of participants from your country, including their names and addresses also titles and authors of main presentations.

Best regards,
for the Organizing and Program Committee

Stanislaw Stobiecki

Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Sośnicowice Branch
29 Gliwicka Street, 44-153 SOŚNICOWICE